
Outfit Battle - Red Vs Blue

De regresso ao combate de looks trago-vos dois coordenados que eu pessoalmente adorei.
A silhueta dos looks é semelhante, ambos com saia lápis e sapatos de salto médio em cores diferentes conjugados com um twin set crop às riscas P&B.
O look azul é mais discreto e 'seguro' uma vez que conjuga as riscas P&B apenas com uma cor. O look vermelho por seu lado é mais arrojado e fora da zona de conforto uma vez que ao padrão do twin-set juntei uma saia com padrão floral.

Returning to the combat of looks I bring you two outfits that I personally love. Both looks have similar silhouettes, both with pencil skirt and medium heel shoes in different colors combined with a cropped striped P&B Twin-Set.   
The blue look is more discreet and ' safe ' since it combines the B&W stripes with only one color. The Red look is bolder and outside the comfort zone once to the pattern of the twin set I joined a floral pattern skirt.
Both Skirts - Zara
Twin-Set - Mango
Both Shoes - Zara 
E vocês o que acham, Red ou Blue?

Which one do U prefer, Red or Blue?


1 comentário:

  1. wooow! you have a great blog! I love it !!!!
    this pieces lookgreat, shoes <33333
    I wanna to ask you how about follow each other? Let me know, please. I always follow back so don`t worry :)
    have a nice day sweety!
    xoxo from Spain


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Thank you so much for your visit and comment. I read all of them and if you have a blog I will pay you a visit, if not I'll answer all your questions here.

Hugs, Kisses, Love and Best Wishes
Miss Silly Me